Graduate School of the Arts and Humanities (GSAH)


Melanie Strumbl

Institut für Musikwissenschaft

Postal Address
Graduate School of the Arts and Humanities
Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies
Walter Benjamin Kolleg
Universität Bern
Muesmattstrasse 45
CH-3012 Bern

Melanie Strumbl

Master’s in Musicology and Gender Studies from the University of Vienna. Title of master’s thesis: Shifting the Paradigm. On Feminist Discourse within the “New Musicology”. Since February 2017, doctoral candidate at the Institute of Musicology at the University of Bern in the framework of the project Vienna 1892. The Emergence of 20th Century “Musical Experience”.

Title of PhD Project

Displaying (Music) Historiography. Performance and (Aesthetic) Experience of Music Historiography at the International Music- and Theater Exhibition in Vienna 1892

Research Foci

Theory of Musicology | Philosophy of Music and Hermeneutics | Music Historiography | Popular Music and Media Studies | Affect Theory/Affect Studies | Gender Studies | Cultural Studies | Poststructuralism