Davide Ferri
Davide Ferri (M.A., Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2018) is a PhD candidate in the Department of Early Modern Art History at the University of Bern, member of the doctoral programme in «Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies» at the Walter Benjamin Kolleg, and since 2019 Wissenschaftlicher Assistent at the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florence – Max-Planck-Institute in the Department Gerhard Wolf. His dissertation project "The Queen of Genoa and Baroque Territorial Aesthetics" investigates the political, devotional, and ecological agency of territorial images in the Republic of Genoa (Liguria, Corsica, North-Tunesia) in the 17th and 18th centuries.
Title of PhD Project
The Queen of Genoa and Baroque Territorial Aesthetics
Research Foci
Art and visual history, ca. 1600–1850 | Republic of Genoa | Image, territoriality, embodiment, power | Images, spaces, and (natural) environments | Political iconology and image criticism | Tourism Studies