Graduate School of the Arts and Humanities (GSAH)

Anthropology Talks

Imagining Worlds

Montag, 06.11.2023 - Dienstag, 07.11.2023

Öffentlicher Vortrag im Rahmen der Reihe Anthropology Talks – eine Kooperation zwischen dem Doktoratsprogramm Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies (ICS) und dem Institut für Sozialanthropologie

Veranstaltende: Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies | Institut für Sozialanthropologie | Bühnen Bern
Redner, Rednerin: Amitav Ghosh
Datum: 06.11.2023 - 07.11.2023
Uhrzeit: 19:30 - 17:00 Uhr
Ort: Grosser Saal
Kornhausplatz 20
3011 Bern
Merkmale: Öffentlich

Öffentliche Vorlesung "Welten Imaginieren"

06.11.2023, 19:30 Uhr im Stadtheater Bern

Was hat die Muskatnuss mit Klimawandel zu tun? Oder Mohn mit Kapitalismus?

Wie kaum ein Anderer vermag der indische Schriftsteller Amitav Ghosh, globale Verflechtungen und Widersprüche in Worten auszudrücken. In seinen Romanen und Sachbüchern verbindet er koloniale Geschichte(n) auf fundierte und fantastische Weise mit aktuellen Fragen zu Migration, globaler Ungleichheit und zur weltweiten Klimakrise. Wortgewaltig lässt er uns in längst vergessene Geschichten und unbekannte Welten eintauchen, um die globalen Herausforderungen der Gegenwart neu zu betrachten.

In Bern liest Amitav Ghosh aus seinen Werken und tritt in einen Dialog mit Stimmen aus Forschung, Aktivismus und Kultur.

Koproduktion mit dem Institut für Sozialanthropologie der Universität Bern und Bühnen Bern.

Die Lesung ist gratis, aber für die Teilnahme muss hier ein Ticket bestellt werden. 


07.11.2023, 9:30-17:00 Uhr an der Hallerstrasse 6, Seminarraum 205

Workshop 01: Creative and Ethnographic Writing

What is a climate crisis experience you have recently witnessed–or one that is on-going in your everyday life? What affordances does creative writing allow in narrating the climate crisis and how might it assist us to better imagine more equitable and just futures? In this workshop, we will take a deep dive into the possibilities of ethnographic and creative writing. Through a collective writing activity and facilitated discussion of select texts, we engage with the writing of Amitav Ghosh and invite participants to consider theoretical questions of practice.

9:30–9:45         Introduction
9:45–10:45       Session 01 How do you incorporate storytelling techniques into your writing and how do you merge them with theories?    
10:45–11:00     Coffee Break
11:00–12:30     Session 02
12:30–14:00     Lunch Break

Workshop 02: From Present Challenges to Alternative Futures – Post-/humanist Perspectives

The workshop addresses how Amitav Ghosh's work can inspire ethnographic research as well as cultural, activist, and political work "on the ground." To this end, examples of research and activism will be presented that deal with the climate crisis and resistance to urban planning in Mumbai, as well as with violence and evictions for conservation in Tanzania and India. In an open mic session, workshop participants are invited to contribute further topics, inputs, questions or comments. A special focus will be on how humanist, posthumanist, and indigenous cosmological perspectives can be negotiated in the collective search for alternatives futures.
The workshop addresses how Amitav Ghosh's work can inspire ethnographic research as well as cultural, activist, and political work "on the ground." To this end, examples of research and activism will be presented that deal with the climate crisis and resistance to urban planning in Mumbai, as well as with violence and evictions for conservation in Tanzania and India. In an open mic session, workshop participants are invited to contribute further topics, inputs, questions or comments. A special focus will be on how humanist, posthumanist, and indigenous cosmological perspectives can be negotiated in the collective search for alternatives futures

14.00 Session 1: Examples from Research and activism
15.30 Break
15.45 Open Mic Session


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