Graduate School of the Arts and Humanities (GSAH)


Roman Bischof-Vegh

English Department

Postal Address
Graduate School of the Arts and Humanities
Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies
Walter Benjamin Kolleg
Universität Bern
Muesmattstrasse 45
CH-3012 Bern

Roman Bischof-Vegh

Roman Bischof studied English and History at the University of Basel and completed his Master’s degree in 2016 with a dissertation on conceptual metaphors in First World War poetry. As of September 2017, he is an assistant at the Department of English of the University of Bern.

Title of PhD Project

Narrating Neurons? Perspectives on Mental Illness in British and American Novels in the Age of Neuroscience

Research Foci

Anglophone literature since the 19th century | Literature and (natural) science | Cognitive poetics | Conceptual metaphor and mental space theory | Narratology